Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday. (a weekly round-up)

We are the classiest family in our neighborhood, hands down. 
  Hey hey, Friday! This week seems to have flown by. We've basically been living outside since the rain has held off all week and I'll be a bit sad when we have to head back in the next few days to avoid the cold/wet weather. But I have big plans to clean out my van because it is SO SO DIRTY INSIDE. That statement deserved all caps because I really can't convey how awful the situation is in any other way. Perhaps I'll take it to one of those full-service places that detail cars? It seems like it could be necessary. How did I get on the topic of my gross van situation? The weekend. I don't know what you're up to, but I hope it involves fun and rest and some people you love lots! Here are some of my favorites from around the internets this week:

// Love this independent story about Noonday's very first artisans.

// My kids are really obsessed with these hip hop toddler songs after my sister showed them to us.

// Made one of my all time favorite (and least sophisticated) desserts a few weeks ago and am wracking my brain for an excuse to have it again soon.

// This is just really, really hilarious.

// I stumbled on this blog a few weeks ago while working on content for my part-time job. The cute couple behind it have created the most lovely home! I want to pin everything because her style is exactly what I have in my head for our house.

// Mother's Day is only three weeks away! Here are some of my favorite gift ideas this year.

Happy weekending!

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