
I'm Katie and this is my little corner of the interwebs. I started this blog a long time ago as an online journal, but its slowly become a fun place to share recipes and DIYs and heart things. The basic details about me? I'm closer to 30 than 20. I've lived all of my life in Indiana {despite my best efforts to move towards the coast}. I married my college sweetheart. I am a social worker, by trade and by heart. I have two dogs that I am really in love with. We have two sweet little boys, 18 months apart, so you can imagine how crazy our days are!

 But really? Those are just details. If you stick around here long enough, you'll learn that I love people. I love Jesus. I love finding ways to reach out and love on others. I am passionate about choosing joy, no matter what life looks like today. Also, I'm far far from perfect at all of those things, but I keep working at them.

I love lots of things, you'll learn that pretty quickly if you stick around. But honestly, give me a hot cup of tea (or large glass of vino) and quality time with some good friends...
and I'm one happy girl!