Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday. {a weekly round-up}

  This is your friendly reminder that today is National Donut Day! And 8pm is definitely not too late to celebrate, in case you forgot. Ha. Can you tell Caleb loves donuts? He was such a trooper at Tyler's 6 month check-up today and listened really, really well so he deserved that treat for sure.
  I'm going into the weekend a little bummed we aren't joining Justin on his trip to Jersey for a wedding, worried about some news from the doctor today (irrational worry, I'm sure), and a litttttle overwhelmed about all the packing that needs done. BUT! It is the weekend, I already have a start to my summer tan, and I have big plans to drink some sangria and order my favorite pizza. So, I'll take it!
  Happy weekending!

Love this. If you want to just have a good, full, and intentional summer- it's worth watching! My biggest takeaway? To let grace speak louder than grace and know it's ok not to do it all (spoiler: that's impossible).

I just really love this post.

I'm feeling super cheap as our move (and list of inevitable purchases) gets closer, but Caleb was in desperate need of some fun outdoor activities. This DIY was really easy and really cheap. I actually bought two containers (from Target! Wal-mart had discontinued them), so we have one for sand and one for water!

I want you to help me celebrate turning 30 this year!

I'm back on a reading kick these days. This was June's book club book (sidenote: I quit book club and then got swindled back into joining again and I'm not even mad about it) and I have this book on hold at the library.

Also, sign up for your library's Summer Reading Program! Caleb and I are all set for ours' and I'm absolutely excited. (I know it sounds super nerdy, but guys. Free stuff just for reading! And most libraries have a program for kiddos birth through grade school.)

Love, love, love this honest blog post about living life in the messy middle.

Justin and I are sort of obsessed with these right now. So. Stinking. Funny.

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