Monday, November 14, 2016


Hi hi! Let's mix things up with a little weekly round up on Monday instead of Friday this week. Because I forgot on Friday and who even cares? :)

I read this post by Maggie and found myself saying Oh my goodness, me too. I totally want to do the same! 

HI LAR IOUS. I literally lol'd when a friend sent this to me. That Joe. 

These are definitely overpriced and I'm sure I could/should just make them on my own, but I am obsessed. 

This came in the mail today and I'm excited to see if I can actually pull it off!

I'm usually pretty stuck in my ways when it comes to candles (I have my 3 favs) but I just bought this and am loving the mix of this and this in it. Basically my house smells like Christmas!

Have you seen this show? Justin and I just discovered it and love the different stories!

Happy Monday! Here's to the elections being over and the holidays on their way :)

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