This boy is an absolute joy. For his first few months, he was too busy for his own good and we just had a hard time figuring out what worked best for him. But now, 8 months in, we've absolutely found our groove. Tyler is happy and sweet and truly fits perfectly into our little family! He has a few nicknames that I keep forgetting to document: Tyler tush, Tushy Ty (we evidently like to talk about butts), our forever baby (because it truly seems like he's frozen in time size-wise), and the most used one- peanut.
Pictures can be pretty deceiving, but if you've met Tyler in real life or seen him next to another baby his age (or younger!), then you know that the nickname Peanut fits him perfectly. He is growing at his own rate (no worries from the Dr. anymore!), but guys, I don't think I can fully express how tiny he really is. He's still in between 3/6 month clothes (that's a 3 month onesie in these photos!) and wearing size 2 diapers, but most brands are big too baggy for this skinny guy. Strangers who meet him are always surprised to hear his age and just this week someone commented on my newborn! But its also extra adorable because this tiny little baby body holds a big personality- he smiles so big, jabbers away, and is determined to roll around this entire house.
This (July) was a fun month for us- we went our on first vacation to the Jersey shore! Tyler loved the beach and was really great about ditching any semblance of a schedule for the week, but we were all ready to be back to our own rooms by the end of the week. We also finished the last of our packing and moved into our new home! Saying goodbye to Tyler's nursery was a bit emotional and had me thinking of all those sweet newborn days/nights spent in there and wondering just how it can be that we're so much closer to his first birthday than those days!
We've slowed down our nighttime feedings and usually let Tyler go 6ish hours between nursing. He still clusters in the morning, but is slowly putting himself on a new 4 hour schedule during the day. And! He decided he officially wants to eat and loves purees again. So he eats 2-3 times each day, and we're pumping as much yogurt/avocado/good fats as possible to help him beef up a bit!
Tyler is still a rolling machine and has officially become a sturdy sitter this past month. No crawling yet- but I'm guessing the move and our traveling this past month set him back a bit since we didn't give him many chances to practice. He loves to sit and dig through his little basket of toys (just like his big brother!). We also pulled out his activity table and he's working on standing and holding on to it. He loves his big brother and watches whatever he's doing if he's nearby. He also has started loving to read books this month and will sit still for a few in a row before he gets too antsy!
New this month// fully eating solids, visited the Jersey Shore, moved to Columbine Ln., back to sleeping through the night, wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers, sleeps with BabyJack lovey, sitting up unassited, starting to stand while holding on, rolling all around
1 comment:
What a handsome boy. I love him planking - he'll be crawling soon. We have a petite little baby, too, who still wears 3-6 clothes at almost 8 months. Happy 8 months to your sweet boy.
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