Monday, August 22, 2016


Monday! It's the first in a long while that I'm not feeling frazzled or tired from a busy weekend or traveling or moving or etc etc. It's been almost a month since we moved into our new house and I think we can almost say it feels like home. Most of the random maintenance things are taken care of by now, pretty much all of the boxes are unpacked (yay for finally organizing my own closet!), and this past weekend was our first since we moved in that we both weren't traveling too much or hosting or running around. So good!

  But anyways, this house. We love it. Like pinch ourselves every single day love it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't love spending a painful amount to fix the broken patio door or basically having the entire inside of the dryer replaced when it stopped working after 4 laundry cycles or chasing Murphy for an hour around the neighborhood when we/he discovered some awesome holes in our fence left by the previous owners. Overall though, this house is like it was built for us. More on that in another blog post, I'm sure!

I went to the Belong conference with some girlfriends this past weekend and it was good. Great to get away and have a break from my little guys and wonderful to have chats with friends I love and hear from wise women a few steps ahead of me in life.

  You guys, I just filled out a survey and had to fill in my age. I officially fall into the 30-39 age range, which feels just too old right now. I'm not mature enough to be lumped with nearly 40-year-olds!

  I'm 99% sure I've convinced Justin (and myself) to do Whole30 again this September and I'm excited. Remind me I said that in a few weeks when I'm cursing all veggies and begging for a piece of bread!

  Also, it turns out I'm a bit of a book hoarder. I found SO many of my favorite books when we moved and I need to get rid of them. I'm hosting a book swap/wine night in September and cannot wait to send them to good homes! Let me know if you're in the Indy area and I'll invite you- seriously, come snag a great book for free so I don't have to donate it to Goodwill!

  Last random thought today? I just signed up for a 5k! I'm oddly nervous about it (even though I used to run a ton) and am only typing this so maybe some (or lots?) of you will keep me accountable! It's in mid-October and supports a local free health clinic, which I love! So, ask me about running next time you see me in real life!

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