Week two of my favorite new series! You have to go back and read last week's if you missed it- I loved hearing from Kate. And guys, this week is just as good. I reached out to a mama I've admired from afar- one who is lots of steps ahead of me and finds so much joy in her kids.
Paige is a mom to 4 girls and it is so neat to see how she is transitioning into a season of parenting teens and young adults! Her answers to this weeks questions had me tearing up and taking notes. My biggest takeaways? Pray big prayers for my babies starting now, find freedom in saying 'no' to things, seek out/be a mentor, and make my husband #1 always. So, I'm basically taking away all of her tips. That tip about finding and being a mentor? Yes! We should all be cheering each other and passing on wisdom and encouragement. Thank you so much, Paige, for joining me in this series!!
My name is Paige Knudsen. My husband Dan & I are in the exciting, yet sometimes bittersweet stage of parenting young adults & teenagers. Our oldest will marry this summer, we have one senior at georgia state, one freshman at UGA and one freshman in high school. Four girls, each with completely different personalities! I’m a former pediatric nurse who essentially redefined my career path a few years ago, launching a photography business and representing Noonday Collection, both within a few weeks of each other. The opportunities the Lord has blessed me with in both these fields have been priceless! When I was in my young 20’s i told one of my best friends at the time that wanted to have four little girls…raise modern day little women. Sure enough I have four daughters & I have loved parenting…the highs & the lows truthfully. No other area of my life has shown me more about God’s love for us then when I relate to my girls. I think what has pleasantly surprised me is when they were little, in the hair bow, mary janes & smocked dress stage, I dreaded the teen years. I can honestly tell you that stage has actually been my favorite. I love seeing my girls each develop into their true selves. I love seeing the choices they’ve made for school, career, & even silly things like fashion. I feel strongly that we “older” mamas need to encourage the younger mamas & help encourage them that each stage of parenting is a gift, even with trials, it’s a gift. Hmmm. That’s a tough one. Personally I tend to think I can get more done in a day than I realistically can. Often times my own personal discouragement isn’t hid as well as I’d like…meaning my girls have seen me frustrated usually as a result of saying yes to too many things. Honestly, I think it’s a delicate balance how we give of our time & when we say yes and when we feel freedom to say no. It’s different for everyone but I encourage young mamas to really search their heart when opportunities arise and choose the best yes. Yes to your family might mean no to chairing a banquet. And freedom from guilt is a gift we should give each other as we’re really all doing the best we can! Give yourself grace. I think we’re hard on ourselves as mamas. Just the other day I felt sad that i probably had let one daughter down with a decision I made about time. And pray. Pray for those babies. Pray for their future spouses. Pray for joy to overflow in your home. Pray for protection of your marriage and make him the #1. Not your kiddos. I know that’s tough, but try very hard to make him realize how awesome he is! Goodness Katie these are all such great questions. I think the days where my girls are joyful & loving what they’re doing, whether it’s a sport or they feel all pretty dressed up for prom, I love seeing joy & laughter spill out from my girls!
Our home is far from perfect. I’ve been a far-from-perfect mama, but I pray that my girls know deep in their hearts how much I love them & cheer them on! And even more so, that they know the love of Jesus and that nothing will separate them from HIS love! I have no greater joy than being able to say all my girls love & follow Jesus!
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Just 5 Things: Paige Knudsen.
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thank you for having me sweet katie!! it's such an honor to share with you & your readers!!
love my paigey! thanks for sharing!!!
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