It's officially official- cooler weather is here! I love summer so much, but this year I'm excited to be out of the awkward in-between stage with my maternity clothes {first world problem, I know} and the colder temps mean we're getting closer to meeting this new little guy!
Caleb and I are flying solo this weekend and I'm hoping to tackle my ever-growing to do list {anyone want to come help? I'll pay you in baked goods and slobbery toddler kisses!} while still doing some fun things with Caleb. Clean out the guest room {anyone want a super comfy queen bed??}, put the crib together, paint the dresser, finish a quilt, stay on the top of the dishes... I might be biting off more than I can chew. But with a birthday dinner for a friend tonight, breakfast at this cute little place with C tomorrow, and some Fall crafts sprinkled in- it should be a great weekend! I also have a super lofty goal of finally catching up on blogging and work. My part-time social media job is great, but means that I'm pretty burnt out to actually post things I want by the end of each day. Here's to hoping we have some good naps to make time for blogging!
And in the meantime, here are some of my favs from around the web this week::
//Did you hear about the sweet premie born on a cruise ship in early September? Such a little fighter!
//Nashville is back and RAYNA AND DEACON LOVE EACH OTHER. Not to spoil anything for you. But its awesome.
//Ok, I need your help. Seriously. I ordered this rug for the nursery, but in real life its so much bluer (not navy) and bright white than the picture shows. So I'm rethinking it. I love this one, but am skeptical on the quality. I can't find any real reviews on rugs from Society6! I love this and this, but not the prices {I got a great deal on the first one!}. Any suggestions for a similar, 4x6 navy-ish flat weave rug?? Help a sister out!
//I'm a huge snacker {I forget most meals unless someone is around to remind me to eat} and am excited to follow along with Katie's series this month.
//At Bible study this week, we shared our honest thoughts on reading the Bible. It's boring, overwhelming, seems irrelevant, is so rich and encouraging, daunting, a guidebook... So many different thoughts popped into each of our heads. I realized that the last 9 months of pretty consistently reading through the Bible has changed my perspective on it. The discipline of it and the steady focus of reading the story from beginning to end has made it seem really rich for me and I've honestly learned a lot. {I've been doing the SheReadsTruth 365 Days of Truth plan- free on their app!}. As the year winds down, I'm already thinking about what I'll do in January. I'm pretty interested in using this book to help me out!
//And, just in case you love a good deal and happen to know anyone needing a double stroller- this one is on super sale
Happy Friday!
I hope this is on the right post! Thank you so much for linking to my series in October! Looking forward to connecting soon! Love these round up posts! And also love loving this cooler weather. We're fighting turning on the heat...
I am definitely checking out that SheReadsTruth app, thanks for sharing. I need help in that area... and focus... and a kick in the butt when it comes to prayer & reflection, so I'm hoping this will help me out :)
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