Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Handmade baby. {giveaway}

  Happy Tuesday! Do you hear the extra pep in my voice? It's because Justin took yesterday off from work and it was awesome. He was gone all weekend on a golf trip and yesterday was perfect for easing us all back into the work week. And of course I never turn down an excuse to visit my favorite brunch place. 
  But anyways. Where was I? Oh yes, happy Tuesday! And it is happy because I have a kick ass {can I say ass on here? I say yes.} giveaway for you. Guys, I don't usually bite for these big group giveaways, but this one was too fun to pass up. Except now I'm wishing I had passed it up so that I could enter it. Shoot. Why am I just now realizing that?! But you can enter and win! Actually, two of you can win! 
  I've teamed up with 6 bloggers and 6 awesome shops- check out all the goodies! {no seriously, go check them out!!}. Baby shoes, banners, holy gorgeous quilts {seriously, they may be my fav!}, canvas art, stationary, and baby headbands- so many fun goodies for any new mom! Or really, anyone. We all know someone who's knocked up, right? 

Feather Feet

Lemony Stitch

Madly Wish

Unique Photo Crafts


The Golden Polka Dot

Remember when I said I had teamed up with SIX other bloggers to let TWO of you win items from the shops above?  These ladies are all young moms who also love to share their hearts & creativity on their blogs {I say also with a grain of salt, because am I really all that creative?!}.  Make sure you check out their sites for some amazing inspiration!
Blogger Collage

1 comment:

Allison said...

How fun! Fingers crossed!