Friday, May 9, 2014

32 weeks.

 We used some giftcards to order our crib mattress this week, and like that our nursery is mostly ready for baby. We're heading out to buy a glider this weekend (any recommendations??) and are waiting for our registry completion coupons to do a big sweep of the things still left {diaper pail, diaper bag, monitor, etc}, but once those things are done- it will be ready! It's so crazy to have a pretty finished room in our house for a tiny human we've never ever met. And so, so exciting. I find myself walking in there a few times a day just to go through clothes or rearrange a drawer, all while daydreaming of how our lives will change in just a few weeks. It's getting real, people.
   These last few weeks have been a whirlwind and we collapse into bed each night feeling as if we've just run a marathon. While the days of been full of really good things {showers, weddings, hosting out of town friends}, I can't wait for this weekend a {hopefully} a little calm. All our busyness has meant less workouts in the evening and I can tell my body is effected by the decreased exercise. I'm ready to jump back into it, especially since Indiana seems to have skipped over Spring right onto Summer. Hello, perfect weather for evening walks! I'm still moving pretty well and feeling great physically {minus some slight back pain and trouble sleeping}, and I want to soak it up while I can these last 8 or so weeks. 
   As much as it's getting real that this baby is coming, I find myself trying to cherish each little moment. A sweet couple from our small group at church recently lost their little girl at 22 weeks and my heart absolutely breaks for them. That, coupled with #redballoonsforryan has me reeling at the amount of loss and heartache that does fill our broken world. No loss is easy or good, but child and infant loss seem to be some of the cruelest and unnatural a person can experience. If our miscarriage had not already taught me to treasure each moment with this little guy, even before he's 'here', these reminders of loss and walking through grief with friends has urged me to do so even more. And to pray. And to try to love on other's in the best ways. 


Chelsea E. said...

SO CUTE!!! And the puppies are precious too! You look great! That dress is adorable too!!

Unknown said...

Eeeeee! You're almost there!