Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Around the table. {a goodbye}

  Our cooking club met for our monthly meal last night. We each brought a dish, this time keeping with a Pioneer Woman theme. Most of the ladies came a bit early to put together a little gift for another who is moving to North Carolina this weekend. I think I've mentioned cooking club on the blog before, and how we formed it after all reading Shauna Niequist's Bread & Wine. I'm sure, a year ago, as we shared crepes and cocktails, we all had big hopes for this group and finding community over a shared love of cooking. At least I did. But honestly? I never could have imagined how real that hope would become.
  We realized last night that we're coming up on our one year anniversary. So, so much has happened over that year. Every four weeks, give or take, we've gathered around a different table and shared different, usually new, recipes with each other. We always, always talk about the food and the recipes. Naturally. As the months have gone by, however, we've started talking about more than food. Sharing love stories. Woes about being a 20-something in the Church. In-laws and dogs and careers. We have just become really good friends. It has been a really fun surprise, this cooking club of ours. 
   We are all at similar, yet different points in life. Three of us are expecting our first little one. One is on the verge of engagement and married life. Another just settled into her brand new, first house. And another is making a move across state lines for her husband's job. So many different life things. And so very, very fun to walk with these ladies through. 
   As we said goodbye to Caitlin last night, I honestly teared up. Because we will miss her. Because I truly pray God gives her similar community in her new city. Because, despite my doubts or feeling shy in the first few months, God has proven again that he desires for his people to be in real community together and if we're obedient to that, he provides. This cooking club has been really wonderful proof. 
   Of course, we'll see Caitlin again. We'll keep in touch and keep praying for her new adventure. And we'll keep gathering around a different table every month. Soon with babies bouncing on knees and a shiny diamond ring to ooh and aah over. Life will most definitely keep happening, and Lord willing, we will be able to keep sharing in it together. I hope I've said it to each of those ladies, but just to keep getting it out there in the universe, I am grateful for each one. For their story. The food they make and share each month. For being allowed to share in their community. 
   Also? We have never, in all of our months, ever taken a group photo. So that's on our list of things to get done soon! 

   Are you in a cooking club or book club or general circle of friends that gets together to consistently {and intentionally} do life together? What's your most favorite part? 
Any must try recipes for us?


megan said...

Your home is beautiful, I can tell just by those two pictures! We're in a supper club that meets once a month. We rotate houses each time and the host provides the main dish, and the other guests bring an app, sides, dessert, etc. I always look forward to them because they are so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, a cooking club, how fun!! I have two girls that I get together with once a week at my mom's house for dinner and sewing. We spend the evening chatting and sewing/quilting away! It is a great time, and we're going on our fifth year now. It is something I look forward to each week and would be lost without those days!
