Monday, September 30, 2013

#31days of Choosing Joy.

Life isn't always easy. But then again, sometimes it's really easy. 

These days I'm learning that whatever the case, I've got to keep choosing joy. Over and over. In lots of different ways. But for one main reason. {to glorify God}

This little idea of choosing joy has slowly become my life motto over the last year or so. I've practiced it lots, and failed at it even more. 

For the month of October, I'm joining The Nester {and heaps of other ladies!} by focusing on one topic for 31 days. Sheesh, that's a lot of time to flesh out what it means {and looks like} to choose joy. Every day. 

Join me? Here are two ways:
1. Come back here everyday for the newest link in the series. 
2. Share! How do you choose {or struggle choosing} joy? I'd love to have you guest post! {shoot me an email}

The Whole series:
Day 2. Let's chat. 
Day 3. Nouwen's words. 
Day 4. A choice. 
Day 5. A picture. 
Day 6. A quote
Day 7. In marriage.
Day 8. Fake it.  
Day 9. A song
Day 10. Zucchini bread
Day 11. Best of my days.
Day 13. A quote. {2}
Day 14. Priorities
Day 15. A book.  
Day 16. After loss
Day 17. With people.
Day 18. whoops! no post. 
Day 19. A picture. {3}
Day 20. A quote. {3}
Day 21. For others
Day 22. A Fall treat
Day 23. A shameless plug
Day 28. Your words. {1} 


Allison said...

What an amazing idea. Love this! :)

Allison said...
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Kailey said...

Hi Katie! Just found your blog through the Nester and I'm so excited to follow your series and get to know you better!! :)

Kailey | living in the rain

Julie Ball said...

Hi! Hopping over from The Nesting Place... I love your topic! I'm in a similar boat,looking for 31 "good words" (a.k.a. positive thoughts) this month. For me, stress and frustration just come so easily and so quickly that I forget that I CAN choose joy! So thanks for the reminder... I look forward to reading your whole series!
Julie (

Janelle Kibbe said...

Such a great topic. I used to think that joy was dependent on my circumstances - which really made me a slave to the smallest things. It's hard to choose joy, but so worth it, so I'm excited to see what you share!

Anonymous said...

Love the topic.

I'm blogging on Rest at

Leslie said...

Choosing joy no matter lifes circumstances! I know it all too well, but God uses lifes trials to draw us closer to him...which brings joy! Thanks for sharing. looking forward to this series!

Tabitha said...

Hi! Found you from the #31Days linkup and I pretty much adore you already. I've been on a mission to live more joyfully, too, and I can't wait to read your posts this month! :)

Tabitha said...
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Tabitha said...

Baha. My blog is actually :)