Wednesday, May 29, 2013



{I'm completely unoriginal and stole this chalkboard design from Emily}

  The sermon this Sunday at church was all about worry. More specifically,  if Jesus is truly Lord of your life then there is no need for worry. You've heard this before, right? Me, too. But I have this sneaking suspicion that it will probably always be relevant for me.
 If you haven't read the passage in Luke 12, it goes something like this; birds don't stress about what to eat, flowers of the field aren't concerned about how they'll look. And they're just measly things in nature that fade away pretty quickly. But we're children of God! Of course he'll take care of us even more than those things. So stop worrying! Trust, trust, trust.
 All of that is so much easier said than done, no? I mean, I want a more fulfilling job. I want to be a mom one day. I'd love to know how things will all shake out. I need to know! {but do I really??} And of course, I want to know what I can do to move things along. Guys, I'm a planner. I like plans. Knowing what to expect. Getting things done, for goodness sake!
 But as I sat in church on Sunday, I just kept hearing God saying to just wait and see what He has planned. {Not because I have a tendency to do things on my own and then say they were his plans all along or anything...} Ugh. I do not like waiting. But I do love Jesus and want to really keep getting better at my relationship with him.
 I love how The Message phrases Luke 12:34. If Jesus is my Lord, my true treasure, then this whole 'not planning my life away worrying' thing will get easier. Think of where your treasure is- that's where you'll most want to spend your time. Is my treasure planning? Having control? Having a baby? Being the best social worker ever? Eh, {face-palm}, honestly, sometimes those things end up being my treasure. And not Jesus.
  So I'm really praying and working on Luke 12:34 being my reality. Guys, its not easy. But so worth it, amen?

 But my dogs are still adorable. So there's that...


1 comment:

Heather said...

Realy needed to hear this today. Love your wise words! I specifically love this part: "I do not like waiting. But I do love Jesus and want to really keep getting better at my relationship with him." Yes!Such good perspective.