Thursday, May 23, 2013

Operation Smile

  If you've been hanging around these parts for a while now, hopefully you've noticed that I try to be intentional with any sponsored-type post I do. I get emails every so often asking to review a product or host a giveaway {or be a part of one a mega group giveaway- blech}, but I've only accepted a handful of them {like here and here}. I really only want to talk about stuff that I would/do buy myself or I believe in. This is my space and I'm pretty protective about keeping it that way, even if that means forfeiting some free stuff.
  So when Angela from contacted, I was initially skeptical. I mean, I closed the whole college-chapter a year ago and am not in need of any textbooks at all. Then I learned that they're actually a pretty great company that intentionally gives back. For each textbook that is rented, CampusBookRentals donates to Operation Smile.
  When I think of the work Operation Smile does {providing international treatment and care for kiddos born with clefts}, I immediately think of Ashley's post about raising a daughter with a cleft lip. Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft. And if you've read Ashley's story- you know that each of those sweet babies has a rough road ahead of them. Operation Smile supports the beliefs that every child deserves access to safe, quality surgical care and every child deserves a future filled with hope. I completely agree. 
  All that to say, if you're a college kid who has to buy textbooks- why not buy/rent from a company that is committed to making a difference? Campus Book Rentals is that company. 

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