making: a list of house projects I want to tackle in the next two months
watching: nothing. We don't watch much TV these days! (I feel like that would be different if we had cable...)
reading: Swept Away and hopefully starting our next book club book this weekend
wishing: I could come up with some crazy fun anniversary plans. Any suggestions??
eating: Granny Smith apples
wearing: the long sleeve shirt I snagged on vacation last week. Terribly touristy and so stinking comfy
wanting: to take a month's vacation from my part time job
working on: my Noonday Collection sample sale! It only lasts until 7pm tonight, so hop to it if you want to shop 😉
loving: our neighborhood pool and the short, 5 minute walk it takes us to get there
excited about: meeting my sister's newest baby this week!
Do you ever do this? Just make a list of any/everything comes to mind as sort of a brain dump? It seems my mind has turned to mush by late afternoon nearly every day. I blame it mostly on how much I work during the boys' naps and am really working on finding a balance and getting more work done during the weekends. Either way, I already feel less frazzled and depleted just by writing these randoms things down! And excited! I want to make an actual game plan for some summer house projects and can't wait to go meet my sister's new baby!
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