Monday, August 17, 2015

23 weeks. {round two}


  Oh man, am I feeling all sort of things about this little baby this week. I blame it on hormones, a great conference with friends over the weekend, and celebrating my 29th birthday. The perfect storm for becoming emotional about a new baby, am I right??
  There are so many things I want to teach my boys and expose them to and help them understand. But mostly, and really the only thing that matters, is that they are loved and cherished and designed by a great God. I'm so new at motherhood, I get that. But I think I have a little grasp on the truth that I can't control my kids' lives, that they aren't really mine at all. That I have to trust God with every detail of who they are, who they'll grow to be, and how their lives will look. 
  Right now, this baby is safe and comfortable in my belly. But even that could change at an instant, you know? Motherhood, more than anything else I've experienced, has taught me to pray. So I'm praying specifically this week that our newest baby, along with his older brother, deeply know Jesus and his love for them. That it becomes the single truth they build their lives upon.
  And on an completely unemotional note? My nausea seems to be on the upswing! I'm hesitant to say that too loudly, because you know, I don't want it to come back and bite me. But a steady combination of eating real meals {my fault} and intentionally eating protein {again, my fault} seems to do the trick. Who knew? Well, everyone, I'm sure. It's pretty common sense, actually. But yay for me finally realizing it!

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