Friday, June 12, 2015

Another round-up.

  This is one of those weekends that sort of has me feeling tired before it even begins, you know? But it's packed full with good things, so I shall not complain. Caleb's birthday party has sort of become something we didn't want it to, but we're hoping its still fun and simple. And we've got another trip to the water park scheduled for Monday, so there's that to look forward to! 

Have you looked into Fruitful summer yet? I think I mentioned this last week? But the wonderful Lara Casey is doing a mini series on digging in and being intentional with friendships. And I'm loving it!

The Love Project. Have you heard of it? One of my all time favorite bloggers teamed up with artists to help raise money for orphan prevention. It is awesome and I totally downloaded this one already and made some cards that are waiting in my cart to order! I love how Ashley printed so many things of and gave ideas on how to use all the different prints. So fun and for such a great cause!

It turns out you really do show earlier in your second pregnancy, and I'm feeling the push to buy some maternity pieces already. I bought this swimsuit {in black} and though it feels a little matronly, its definitely going to get worn a million times this summer!

Every summer I get an itch to do more around our house. I've wanted to paint our kitchen cabinets white for years, but someone ahemHUSBANDahem thinks its too much work and hates doing anything around the house ever. One day! Until then, I'm thinking smaller. I gave our guest bath a makeover last fall, and am thinking of doing something similar in our master. I was planning to do something fun in our plain guest room, but then this happened and now it looks like we'll be planning another nursery instead! What fun house projects are you up to? I need inspiration!

Ok, so this clip isn't terribly family friendly. But it's hilarious. Kevin Hart seems to be everywhere right now, and I don't hate it. 

And on that note, happy weekending! 

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