Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Action steps.

  I decided really early on the I wanted needed 2015 to be a year of committing to dig deeper in the Bible. It was goal that had probably been sitting in my heart for most of 2014, so it was easy to settle on once the new year hit. But then I read a post by Lara Casey, and felt a real pull to slow down and take my time planning out how to make that happen. A goal is easy to set, but can only be successful if intentional action steps are planned and put in motion. 
  So I took my time. I spent most of January praying over the that goal of digging deeper and creating a short list of how that might look for me. I tried somethings. I talked to friends and read what others have done before. I wasn't in a hurry. It's really important to me, this goal of digging deeper and making Bible study an integral part of my life like never before.
  And now, a few days into February, and I have my New Year's goal shook out. I have the goal and some solid action steps to make it happen. In case you're curious, here's what I'm doing:

//reading through the Bible {with this plan}. I'm used to wondering through different devotionals or studies, but was craving more structured and scripture-based study. This plan is simple and straightforward. I love that it's very manageable and I can track my progress easily! I've also been really, really loving the readings each day. Really interesting pairings, like Job & James, have me reading familiar passages and seeing them differently than ever before.
//memorizing Scripture. After listening to this podcast and reading this research, I knew that to really dig deeper this year meant doing more than simply reading the Bible. I had to engage with it. I love memorizing and am always benefited by it. In high school, I memorized whole books of the Bible and still can recite/recall those sweet verses. So this year, I'm choosing two verses a month to commit to memory. {following along with this group} So on the 1st and 15th of each month, I pick a new verse. John 3:30 and 11:40 were the ones I chose in January. I picked Psalm 19:14 for my first February verse. I write them down in my journal, but also keep a small spiral of index cards with each verse written down {like Beth recommends}. 
//being held accountable. Those two things are great, right? But what's the good if I have no one to hold me accountable? I'm joining some really sweet new {online} friends for accountability throughout the year. Even though the specifics look a little different, we all have a goal to dig deeper this year. We're committed to that goal, and now to helping each other along with that goal. 

  Did you make and New Year's goals? I love how Lara urges us to slow down when we make goals, to be more intentional and not rush to just get them done by January 1st. What goals do you have for 2015? If you haven't already made them or, maybe you did but have already forgotten or stepped away from them- take Lara's advice! Take your time to set meaningful goals and action plans to live them out. 

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