Thursday, October 16, 2014

Alex + Ally. {Holiday Shop Feature}

 The Holiday Gift Guide series started yesterday! Did you see it? If not, stop what you're doing and click over to see the first group of shops!
  And now, let's talk about one of my favorite shops from yesterday's bunch. If you have seen my baby or any photos of him in the last two months, you've probably noticed that he has an adorable bib on 80% of the time. This used to be because he was SpitsMcGee, but now he's transitioning into a serious drooler. And I hate having to change his outfit a gagillion times a day. So we wear bibs. All day, errday. And my absolute favorite bibs are these gems from Alex+Ally. Gah, I can't tell you how much I love them!
  Not only do they come in adorable fabrics, they're just the right size and super absorbent. Keys to a good bib, right? I thought about taking really cute photos of Caleb modeling his Alex+Ally bibs, but figured I should show you that we really do love these bibs. So instead, I used a hodge podge of real life shots of Caleb using his favorite bibs for everyday things like snuggling, being pushed off his cousin's lap, and hanging out in his exersaucer. I literally keep one of these bibs on hand every. single. day. 
And, spoiler alert! I plan on buying a few of these for some of the new babies joining our family this winter {act surprised, sisters!}. They are kind of my new go-to baby gift. Adorable and ridiculously practical- basically the perfect baby gift!
  If you have a little one or are shopping for one this Christmas, you have to check out Alex+Ally's shop! They're offering a great coupon code right now in conjunction with the Holiday Gift Guide- use HOLIDAYGIFTGUIDE for $5 of any order of $25 or more! {You better believe I've already taken advantage of that deal!}

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