Wednesday, April 16, 2014

To the brim.

  I find that when things are the quietest in this little corner of the interwebs, my offline life is the fullest. Isn't that how those things really should go?
   As I sat across a really good friend for breakfast yesterday morning, who happened to be in town for a quick visit from Denver, I just realized how full and good life is right now. She's so intentional about seeing me when she's in town, and I so appreciate that. We shared my absolute favorite cinnamon toast from one of my favorite brunch places and talked about babies and engagements and social work. And all of this was after getting a chance to sleep in a bit and cuddle with my husband this morning. Two things that just don't happen enough.
   So I drove away from that breakfast and that really good morning just feeling full. To the brim.
   That's what Spring is for me this year. A season of fullness and blessings and thanksgiving. Tangible reminders of God's goodness and how he does, he really does, make all things new. In his time. Last year at this time, I was full of sadness and dwindling hope as we still healed from our miscarriage and crept closer and closer to the range of 'infertility' after trying for months for another baby. That was a tough season, honestly. But this is a good and full season. I think I find myself savoring it even more because I still remember last year and it makes this season of fullness extra sweet. I'm really aware that this season won't last forever. The dryness and dwindling hope could come back in any minute. Seasons don't last forever, they're not supposed to. But aren't they such good reminders of how God carries us and blesses us and holds us- through the really long winters and the sunshine-y spring-times just the same?
  As we get ready for Easter, I hope you feel full to the brim. Even if life's circumstances don't make it easy on you, the promise that Easter holds should be enough to overwhelm you with thanksgiving. I love how our Pastor always puts it during his Palm Sunday sermon. Today's Friday {our God is crucified}, but Sunday is coming {he's already defeated our sins when he overcame death}!

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