Thursday, February 6, 2014

Up & Doing. {February}

  Only one day left to enter the Golden Hour Revelry giveaway! Be sure to check it out if you haven't already!!!

 I'm so excited to be doing monthly goals again. I mentioned last month that I needed to feel productive after feeling so blah for a few months, and I can't even begin to say how much having these goals has helped. Especially since last month was a long, snowy, cold, frustrating one. Hey Spring, if you're listening, feel free to head this way anytime now

Here's how I did with January's goals::

//get back to the gym// Nailed this! It was much more of a challenge than I expected to adjust my mindset from working out hard and pushing myself to listening to my body and being ok with slower and shorter workouts. But I've been to the gym at least 3 times a week and am excited to keep this up as long as I can this pregnancy.

//start quilting// Technically, I didn't get this done until yesterday. But better late than never! Our heater was broken for a few weeks, so doing much more than bundling up and staying on the couch was just hard to do. But! I finally cut and pieced the front of the quilt. And I love it so far!

//focus at work// Well, this one was stacked against me. With 8 snow days so far since Christmas break and at least one 2-hour delay each has just been hard to feel like I'm back into a work routine. Spring and normal weather have to come back eventually, right?

And here's what I'm working on for February!

//finish quilting// I'm on such a roll with my niece's quilt and now I can't wait to start one for our baby! I plan on doing the basting, quilting, and binding to finish it this month. Actually, I hope to get most of that done this weekend!

//start planning// I know we still have plenty of time until baby gets here, but since we find out the gender soon, I want to start planning. We'll probably head to Buy Buy Baby and Target to register sometime this month.

//Bible study// Ironic that I just posted about this a few weeks ago, right? Lately I've just been extra tired in the mornings and getting out of bed is so hard {I blame it on my extremely cuddly husky}. I've been lucky to get in more than a handful of mornings reading the Bible and praying. And I hate that. This month I'm going to work on making myself get out of bed even just a few minutes earlier. If I can't do it now, how will I do it when I'm a sleep deprived mom to a newborn this summer?? 

Are you working on any goals this month? 
Any registry tips or must haves for me? 

1 comment:

Interprintations said...

My Feb. goals - organization, hire a house cleaner, and start baby shower plans! =)

Registry tips - go in with a list of your must-haves for the registry. Don't let the sales people walk around with you, or they will talk you into registering for EVERYTHING! Don't register for too many bottles or pacifiers, because baby will inevitably NOT like the ones you get & you'll end up buying a different brand later. =)