{whoop! "I can already tell..."}
First, let's just say that maternity shirts realllly accentuate the bump. I wore a normal shirt to work today and you could barely tell there was anything there. Then I put this guy on and holy baby belly!
This week I think I've learned what people mean when they talk about pregnancy hormones. Work has been a bit stressful and I've found myself reacting much differently than I ever have before {read: crying and almost flipping out on some choice people}. Thankfully this has only really happened at work, and during some pretty serious situations. I don't think I've been too crazy at home? Also, pregnancy brain. I have been forgetting so many little things- mostly in recipes that I have made a million times. Also, my debit card PIN. I feel a little bit like I'm losing my mind.
We only have one week until we find out if this little one is a boy or girl and I am just so freaking excited about it. It'll help us narrow down a name and start registering. Basically, it will make it feel a bit more real, because it still doesn't! I also think I'm feeling the baby moving these days, mostly at night and when the dogs are cuddling with me, usually with their head on my belly {melt}. I say think because how crazy would I feel if it turns out they're just gas bubbles?
One of my goals this month is to start our baby registry and I really would love any tips or must-have's you have for me! Favorite items? Least favorite?
One of my goals this month is to start our baby registry and I really would love any tips or must-have's you have for me! Favorite items? Least favorite?
Well, I obviously can't give any registry tips, but I just wanted to say how cute you and your pup are in those pics! Can't wait to hear if it is a he or a she! I'm going to go with a she, for the record. :)
Congratulations! Your belly is so cute :) I would say must-have registry items are: rock n play sleeper ( I swear by that thing), the nose frida is amazing also, a swing that plugs in to the wall, a stroller/jogger that folds up super easily and you will be able to use long after the newborn stage :) Registering can feel so overwhelming when you walk in to the store, I'm pretty sure I was in tears the first time! Good luck!
You're looking so cute! Don't even go registering without knowing what you want - there's too much to choose from and it gets overwhelming! Check out The Wise Baby blog - they have great registry tips and favorites from real people. My personal favorites are a video monitor, jogging stroller (I have a BOB and LOVE it), a good baby wearing contraption (I loved my moby for the first 5 months then used a babybjorn). Enjoy this - it's the best time of anticipation!
You are SO CUTE!! The little bump. I just love it. And, seriously, the maternity shirts totally make you look more pregnant. I have two that have the like stretchy weird stuff at the sides. I put them on and was like "umm, yeah, this is a great way to out myself"
And the hormones. No more. Please. I perhaps teared up in the grocery store today because a song Sully and I both like came on. I don't cry when he's gone...and this time, I've basically lost count of the times I've cried. It's really quite comical.
Everything about this just makes me so happy! I can't wait for you to find out if you're having a little baby boy or girl--do you have any feelings about what you're having??
I just still can't get over how sweet your cute pups is being...adorable!
Aw you look so cute Katie! And I love seeing your pups in all your pictures. So cute! I'm so glad your baby will be a fellow animal lover. :)
No tips from me, but you look so adorable! And your pup? So adorable!
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