I alluded yesterday to some of the ways I utilize relationships to help me keep choosing joy, every single day. Before I go on, I think it is important to emphasize that while, to an outsider, I probably seem very social {hello, I'm a social worker} I'm actually a huge homebody. If I had to guess, I would say that I'm edging into introvert status these days. I do really love being with people and I definitely need quality time, but I'm easily overwhelmed and quickly drained. I've joked before that for every day spent with people, I need three spent alone to recoup. It's so true and if you look at my calendar, you'll see evidence of it.
So anyways, what was I saying? Relationships help with choosing joy. In my case, this is a literal choice I have to make. Since my natural tendency is to stay home with my husband and good book or maybe just meet up with one really good friend, I have worked at being extra intentional with groups of friends. Take a few weeks ago for instance. I had these adorable wine-themed cards so I decided to invite some ladies over for a wine tasting night. The honest part? The day before and night of, I wanted to call it off. The thought of everyone coming over and not everyone knowing each other and hosting everyone...it all overwhelmed me. And it had been a long week. And I could have used a quiet night at home. I get this way a lot, like with my Noonday Trunk Show over the summer. I can get excited about social things if they are far enough away {out of sight, out of mind}, but when they come closer my introvert self gets exhausted at the simple thought of being social. So, I make myself do it sometimes. I had those ladies over for wine night despite my hesitation and I'm sure none of them knew how I was feeling. And. It. Was. Awesome. Not necessarily life changing and I haven't given it much thought since that night. But it was good. We talked and laughed and drank far too much wine and voted on our favorites. The last ladies didn't leave until long after midnight and they had a long drive home. While we ended the night chatting in my living room and my husband was cleaning up in the kitchen for me {he's the best} I had one of those this was so worth it moments. We spent the next day with family and I was beyond exhausted {socially} by Sunday, but my heart was really full. Good books and cuddles on the couch with my husband or coffee shop dates with one good friends are great things and the things I'm more likely to choose over big groups {read: more than 3 people}. But big groups are sometimes what I need to keep choosing joy. Laughing over nothing in particular and sharing silly stories from high school and voting on favorite wines just because are all good for the heart, you know?
So what about you? How do you choose joy through relationships? What intentional things do you do? I'd love to hear! Really. And if you haven't already, be sure to chime in on the Choosing Joy discussion here!
The Whole series:
Day 1. #31days of Choosing Joy
Day 2. Let's chat.
Day 3. Nouwen's words.
Day 4. A choice.
Day 5. A picture.
Day 6. A quote.
Day 7. In marriage.
Day 8. Fake it.
Day 9. A song.
Day 10. Zucchini bread.
Day 11. Best of my days.
Day 12. A picture. {2}
Day 13. A quote. {2}
Day 14. Priorities.
Day 15. A book.
Day 16. After loss.
Day 17. With people.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you didn't call it off. But I'm the same way!!! And I'm so glad I came. Katie, you are a phenomenal host (and friend) and have a way of making every person feel special. It's a gift and I adore you :)
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