Back in June, I mentioned how excited I was to work through my stack of Library Sale books over the summer. And then I joined an Adult Summer Reading Program at my library, so I had extra incentive to get my read on (hello, Target gift card!!!) Since summer is almost over {well, not really, but it feels like it, right?} I thought I would check in and share my absolute favorite reads from the last couple months.
::The Shadow of the Wind. SUCH a great book. Not my typical read, so it kind of snuck up on me how good it was. It was our July Book Club book and every person loved it!
::The Light Between Oceans. If you haven't already picked this up, do it asap. It is such a well written story about humanity and grace {I know, that sounds so deep. It's not really}
::The Fault in Our Stars. This may be my favorite book from the entire summer. I won't tell you what its about, because you might change your mind about reading it. If you only read one book this year, make it this one!
::Help, Thanks, Wow. Confession? I haven't read this entire book. But I bought it {on accident} last Fall when we were on vacation and finally started when we were on vacation again this summer. Maybe it had more to do with the season of life I find myself right now than how good the book is, but I absolutely loved the first chapter on Help.
And now, I'm slowly working through the recommendations all of you left on my earlier posts. It looks like I may have lots of Jodi Picoult in my future. What were your favorite summer reads?? Do tell!
I have the library loan of The Fault in Our Stars on my Kindle (and turned my wifi off on it so they won't steal it back yet), and I'm dying to read it! I haven't had time with school and work, so I'm hoping to get to it around Christmas break!
i am so not a reader EXCEPT for recently, i've actually started enjoying it again. AND i just finished my book so, need to look into some of these ;)
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