Monday, March 25, 2013


   Currently I'm sitting in bed with my pj's on, nursing a mug of green tea, and catching up on some work emails. I woke up this morning to 8 inches of fluffy snow on the ground and a glorious text from my boss letting me know our office is closed for the day. That never happens. So if we're going to get snow on the 6th day of Spring {not that I'm counting}, at least we get a bonafide snow day out of the deal! I was so excited, I still got out of bed at 7am to watch the weather forecast with J and make breakfast {cannelle et sucre crepes avec des fraise} while he shoveled out the drive. I love this snow day already.

  I haven't gotten around that sharing my latest thankfuls, and thought I'd take today to play catch up. And just capture, in general, how wonderful this snow day is already turning out to be. Currently, I'm...

- listening to The Loft Sessions.
- watching these fools sleep.
- wearing this on my nails.
- keeping warm in my fav fleece.
- drinking this.
- eating these.
- and reading/thinking about this Holy Week we're in.

  How's the weather in at your house? I'm so jealous if its warm and sunny. Spring in Indiana is always so funny. They're forecasting a sunny, 55° Easter. You know, a week after a record-breaking snow storm. No biggie. Today, though, I'm thankful for a slow day at home to drink tea, cuddle the pups, and get some work done from the comfort of my pj's and bed. Not a bad deal. Not bad at all.

101. dinner with new friends
102. knowing we're on the same page with our small group friends
103. wednesday morning breakfasts/bible studies/heart talks with Justin
104. a good workout
105. mail on Saturdays!
106. a new craft
107. free bottles of wine
108. finding a new worship album
109. sharing hearts with a coworker
110. an excuse to spray paint
111. voicemail from dad
112. the warm sunshine spot at our kitchen table
113. using the Word to redirect my heart
114. crepes
115. a long, Saturday walk


Allison said...

I feel you on the snow girl, but hey if you get a day off then so what?! It is snowing here in Ohio and I want spring so badly!!!

Holly said...

I'm quite jealous because we only got a dusting down in Southern Indiana!

Amanda said...

Sounds like a perfect day!!!! And the crepes look delicious... If only I could eat them!:)

Emily grapes said...

yay for snow days!! We have blue skis and weather in the 70's today, so I'll make sure to soak up the warmth for you. :)

Emily at Amazing Grapes

Anonymous said...

Crepes and a snow day? Life doesn't get much better! :)