Friday, August 3, 2012


You guys.
I'm officially an aunt!!! 
My oldest sister had her sweet baby boy two weeks ago.
And it would be the understatement of the year to say that I'm in love.
He basically has my heart.

But let's back up a bit.
Exactly one week after we lost our baby, 
we found ourselves standing in the hospital as my sister was in labor.
Can I be real for a second?
That was a really difficult night.
It was the most painful mix of joy for my sister and grief for us.
We decided to wait to tell my sister and BIL until after our nephew was here. I mean, no one wants to overshadow such joy with such sad news. And I'm glad we did, because it really helped us focus on the most beautiful part of it all.
New life.

Over the past few weeks, as I've thought and prayed and talked with other women who've had miscarriages...
I've learned so much about how Satan uses this kind of grief {and all grief, really} to isolate and separate us from the love and support of others. He wants to create dark places in our hearts where God wants to shine light and healing through joy. So, I've been learning how it is so ok for me to keep grieving while still being joyful.
That makes no sense, I know. 
But just trust me!

So, back to my nephew.
I've been praying for him for months, and already had so much love before I even met him. And then I held him.
And guys. 
When I held him, Jesus did some really sweet things in my heart.
Healing things. 
Yes, I lost my baby. And death is a terrible thing.
Oh, but new life.
That's a beautiful thing.
Such a reminder of the hope we have, how all things will be made new one day.

So, in a nutshell, being an aunt is awesome. More awesome than I could have imagined. And I think sweet Brady Liam Bowersock will always have an extra special place in my heart.
Its no coincidence that only a week after the most painful news, he gave me the greatest reminder of God's grace and hope.
So, thanks Cari for making me an aunt! :)
And, thanks in advance, Lori, for the best birthday present EVER!
{my niece is due close to my bday!}

And without further adieu...
meet the sweet little nugget of love!

And can we take a timeout to note how great my sister looks just a week after giving birth? Seriously.

Those cheeks {both sets!} get me every time. Look at him! 
And a fun tidbit about his name...
our {my sister's and I} maiden name was Brady.
Cari and Jonn decided to use that as their baby boy's first name...cute right?!

Ok. Ready, set, go comment on how cute he is! :)


Emily said...

oh my goodness, the one of him with his head resting in his hands is so cute! i can see how he melts your heart!

God does work in wonderful ways, doesn't he?

Amanda said...

What a beautiful outlook you have, despite the pain you've been through. Wow. Thanks for being a light for me. Although our situations are different, we still face the same thing... How we so desire a baby. So thanks for being so positive and choosing joy! Have a wonderful weekend. He is just precious! Love ya, girl! XO

Jamie said...

Love the name. aNd the photos - he's so precious! Oh and i love all your comments on this.

Ashleigh Nichole said...

I am so sorry sweet girl for your loss! I know how hard it is to go threw that. It's a constant of questions of why? Followed by anger, hurt, grief & so much more! But I learned its ok to hurt & to be angry those are all natural feelings! You will never forget but time does heal your wounds... New life is great I agree! Congrats on being a new aunt he is precious!

Mrs W said...

After such a difficult experience, you really are responding in such a positive and graceful way. Just like Isaiah says in the Bible, good things are in store for those who wait upon the Lord. As someone who is also waiting for a turn to be a mother I know what you're feeling. What makes the waiting so much better is being able to love on those sweet cheeks Brady has! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS baby. And I love the new design. :)

angie on maui said...

Congratulations, auntie! Enjoy the's great! :)

I love your new blog design, but what happened to the post you wrote about it?! I read it while I was at work but did not have a chance to comment, so I came home tonight and just saw that you deleted it? I know you were pretty honest in your post and wrote about (and linked to) some heartfelt issues, so I just wanted to swing by and offer my support and let you know that I think your choice of a blog title is wonderful. :)

I love the new layout and motives behind it...and how funny is it that we both revealed our new blog designs on the same day?!

Have a great week, my friend ! xoxo

Christina said...

um SO CUTE!! That picture of him with the little hat on is ridiculously sweet!!

Thanks for sharing your struggles with that time as well...I have many friends who have felt the same thing & feel so guilty! Praying for you Katie!!

Interprintations said...

This brought me to tears - you have been through so much lately, I'm happy to hear that being an aunt brings you so much joy! I'm also glad that Brady has been a help in your healing process. You are always welcome to stop by anytime for some therapeutic cuddle time.

He's incredibly lucky to be surrounded by so much love....

Emily grapes said...

I didn't get to comment on here but these pictures are absolutely adorable!! I love the newspaper hat on him. Sooooo darn cute!!

And she looks amazing and beautiful!

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

Congratulations Auntie.. you officially have the cutest nephew on the block :)