This last week has been just crazy.
In so many good ways.
But today, I'm feeling tired and bummed J's going out of town for the weekend and things are a bit slow at work right now...
Sooo I feel the need to take stock of some little thankfuls in my life!
And really, we all know I could use another excuse to blog since I've been a bit MIA lately :)
1. Sunny evenings on our deck. 2. Finally making my canvas art...and LOVING it! 3. The most delicious snap peas from our farmer's market. 4. Finding the sweetest fabric for my little niece's quilt.
5. Sweet husky cuddles. Murphy and I have the best morning routine these days. 6. PB, banana, & oatmeal smoothie that I've finally perfected. 7. First veggie in the garden! Baby jalapeno. 8. Sweet weeknight cuddling with the hubs and watching the dogs play.
And, since instagram can't capture everything...
here are some really special thankfuls.
9. Getting a hug from a client who usually acts like she hates me. 10. having a date night with my lifetime bff planned for tonight. 11. feeling really welcomed and appreciated at the new job.
It always feels good to look back and forward and realize all of the sweet ways Jesus has and is blessing me!
Happy weekend!

Absolutely love the canvas! You could have had me fooled on it being handmade-looks good enough to be in a store:-)
Great thankful post!
Its always nice when someone you think doesn't like you, shows they do.
Hope you have a nice quiet weekend!
Emily at Amazing Grapes
Love that cute puppy face!
And that canvas looks great! Every time I try to get crafty it never turns out like what is in my head and then I get frustrated, but I love yours! (Stopping over from Hello Hue!)
The canvas is killing me! Awesome! Makes me want to get back to doing mine. That is my favourite worship song!
So glad I found your cute blog! Also, make me a quilt? :)
Oh, how I wish I could quilt. Love all these things you are thankful for! Happy weekend!
Those are great pictures! I'm getting a lot of inspiration from checking out all these great sites through Hello Hue's link-up!
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