Friday, July 8, 2011

tweet tweet.

In more exciting news, I got myself a Twitter account today! 
I'm not really sure why...but here goes nothing :)




Momma StJ said...

i got one last week too! still trying to figure it out :)

Couldn't find you though- come find me :)


Hillary said...

i can't find you either!


Emily said...

You should "update" this w/the link to your twitter page. Then everyone can find you. ;)

glad we're tweeting already!! =) it's mildly addicting at times.

Unknown said...

Crazy enough, twitter is where I get all my news now! People share things so quickly and with 140 characters. It's great!

Ashley said...

yaaay! i'm going to stalk....i mean find you right now! :)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I just joined too (and I am following you). I have absolutely no clue what I am doing. None!



Julie @ The Smitten Mintons said...

I joined a couple months ago and still have no clue what I'm doing! Hope you learn quicker than I have :)

meme-and-he said...

haha I keep debating whether or not to get one, let me know if you like it!