1. The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is I don't think I have any. Everyone knows I'm a sucker for Teen Mom, Real Housewives of NJ, and other trashy reality shows! No shame here :)
2. An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is I don't have any clothes that fit into this category, but boy do I have some SHOES that do! Stinky, old, out of style shoes that I can't let go of (because I'm too cheap, not because I'm in love with them!) .
3. My grocery store impulse buy is A candy bar at the checkout! They scream my name every.time!
4. Something I do at work to pass time that I wouldn't want my co-workers to know about is Surf the internet? Not really sure about this one! .
5. One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is eating meat. I could definitely become an uber-healthy vegetarian with no problems, but I never will!
6. A little indulgence that I have is (Gasp!) Tanning. Well, I don't currently have this one, but if I could indulge, I would go tanning. I love those warm, relaxing twenty minutes! {Even if it is bad for me!}
7. The junk drawer/area in my house is in the bathroom. OTC meds, floss, bandaids, nail files...its got everything!
What guilty pleasures are you indulging in this weekend?
{and link up to Fill in the Blank Friday here!}
i think this weekend will be filled with lots of couch and tv time for me. perhaps i'll squeeze in a run so i don't feel quite so guilty :)
hey, i watch real housewives of nyc and love it. so hilarious and addicting!
the candy bars usually scream out to me. there is a reason they put those candy bars there. it is a conspiracy!
have a great weekend!
I never thought about shoes. i have lots of shoes that needs throwed out.
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