I'm all sorts of ready for the weekend and that is mostly because I was off in lots of ways this week. It's crazy what a few days of getting off track (going to bed too late, not eating well, etc) can do to all the things. I am a bit behind in my training schedule and I've basically thought it was Thursday since Monday. Oy. I'm planning to get a 9 miler in on Sunday and am trying real hard not to psych myself out before then or give in to one of a dozen excuses to skip it. I have to do it!
It seems impossible that its already October, but I love it! We're doing all the fall things, including making our first batch of chili tonight. I'm leaving Justin with the boys tomorrow to do some work with my sister, but we have a day date planned for next weekend and I can't wait. Have I mentioned that day dates are our new favorite thing?
Here's some weekend reading for you:
Southern Spice Hash Browns & Apple Bars. For whatever reason, I've spend more time in the kitchen over the last few weeks than I did all summer. I stumbled on this new (to me) hash brown casserole recipe and its amazing. One of those that I actually wrote down on a recipe card and put in my recipe box so I don't lose it! I've already made it three times this month for different things (bible study, new baby meal, for our family). Another recipe I can't stop making this month? My mom's apple bars. So. Good.
So Yummy. Have you seen this instagram account? I've seriously cut down the number of people I follow on there and am really picky now about what I fill my feed with. But this account is just fun! They have short, simple videos of creative things to make in the kitchen. I'm obsessed with the halloween treats they shared this week! (and I'm not the only one that loves them...they have 4.9 MILLION followers!!!)
Last 90 Days Challenge. Did you know there are less than 90 days left in 2017? One of my favorites, Rachel Hollis, is doing a challenge to end the year well. With the busyness of Fall and the holidays, its the most popular time of year to let things slide or get off track (whatever track you might be on). Her tips are pretty lighthearted and fun, but also add up to just getting good things done and ending the year strong! Its already been a big encourager for me to keep up with training, building my Noonday Collection business, and maintaining my trek through the Bible this year.
The coziest pullover. It's absolutely not in the budget right now, but I'm obsessed with this pullover. It totally meets my 'neutrals only' tendency with clothes and I love the subtle verse written in script. Gah. Someone buy it and tell me how cozy it is! (This Tami Taylor top is equally as amazing)
YNAB. I'm probably super late to this, but has anyone else tried the You Need A Budget app/software? I did a ton of research and it seems to be, hands down, the best budgeting tool. I've just started using it and have so much to learn before I have it figured out, but its SO much better than Mint (which is the only app we've used for budgeting). And of course I heard about it on the Young House Love episode this week, because all good things come from John and Sherry! (you can google and find lots of referrals to get a free 90 day trial)
Happy weekending!
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