Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Puppy love.

 Everyone says that my relationship with my dogs will change when our baby gets here. But, my husband also swore my obsession with them would wear off after a few months or years of having them...and that hasn't happened. I just really, really love my dogs. Now, I obviously can't predict how things might change when our little guy arrives. But I'm willing to bet they won't change much. Every single time I pull in our driveway, I get excited to see them. I cuddle with both every single day. I love taking them on walks {but, two dogs and a stroller? We'll see.}. I talk to them. They make me laugh and make hard days better. That's what I love about pets. They make everything a bit better. In fact, I've been so thankful that my sweet friends, who are walking through the toughest grief, have their own pup to help them heal. Did you know that having a pet is considered a protective factor? Having a pet to love and care for helps people be more resilient during hard things, especially kids. No joke. Isn't that amazing?
  I can't imagine not having my dogs or having my kids grow up with pets {seriously, I will die if my kids end up being allergic}. They are so special and truly, truly part of our family. And I think when our baby comes, I will probably just end up loving our pups even more, you know? 
   All that to say, happy pet appreciation week! {And thank you, Allison, for the head's up about it!} If you have a pet, give them some extra love this week. If not, find a shelter and make a small donation? Or just find someone else's pet and give them a hug!


megan said...

I love seeing pictures of your sweet pups..they just look like they have so much personality! :)

stacey said...

There was an 18-year long study done that found some kiddos risk for developing pet allergies was lessened if they were exposed to one during the first year of their life...It's a good thing you have Murphy and Jersey around to help Baby Rush out! :)