Monday, September 9, 2013


   {before I forget! Today's the last day to enter this giveaway- and stay tuned for another great Fall Must-Have's giveaway tomorrow! So many exclamation marks!!!!}

  My weekends are going to start looking different, since I won't be bringing work home anymore. {hooray! no complaints here!} One week in, and I already love knowing that work is at work. No nagging desire to fire up my laptop and get just a few more things done. Le sigh.

   So how did I kick-off this awesome new trend of not working on the weekend? Glad you asked! :) 

   Justin's grandfather passed away this week, so he travelled to Georgia for a few days to be with his family. Cheesy as it is, I really hate when he's gone. I don't sleep as well and I feel just a little lonely, you know? So I made sure to fill my days right up until he came home, of course. Fridays have unofficially become cleaning days around here, so there was that. Saturday morning, I reunited with my long lost love, Aldi. Gosh I love that place. And grocery shopping on Saturdays. Also, new stamps! I was so excited to picked out some new stamps. {Hi, I'm Katie and I'm 27-going-on-43} 

  Ok, ok. I promise it got more exciting than just cleaning and grocery shopping. Stick with me. 

   Saturday, I was so so lucky to have my bff and niece over for a sleepover! Oh my gosh, I love being an aunt. I also had some girlfriends over for homemade pizza and candy and a cheesy chick flick. Quintessential Saturday night, right? And somehow, Justin timed his drive perfectly because he was home only 20 minutes after the girls left! Sunday, after my sister picked Mia up I headed downtown for my first Colts game in Lucas Oil Stadium. Being the wonderful wife I am {toot my own horn much??}, I cheered against my home team- because the Raiders were in town! Gosh, so much fun. I see season tickets to some sports team {any sports team, really} in our future! 

  Moral of the story? I'm totally ok with next weekend being here already. 

1 comment:

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

That isn't cheesy at all. I can't sleep without my husband. I toss and turn all night. Glad you made the most of the weekend anyway:)