Monday, July 1, 2013

To plant a garden.

{print by Pen & Paint

  It's no secret that I've kind of fallen in love with gardening over the last year. Being able to plan and plant and grow a garden was one of the highlights of buying a house for me {I blame it on this}. Last year started off great, but ended up being a complete wash {read:: extreme drought/this happened}. I was determined to make this year better. And its been pretty awesome so far {minus the hateful rabbits}. 
  Its kind of crazy how some cheap seeds and a watering can and MiracleGro can make me so happy. I always get a little bummed when it rains for consecutive days, because I don't need to water my plants. Its become sort of therapeutic for me, those twenty minutes of watering every night.
  I definitely have tons to learn and still find myself making lots of rookie mistakes. But I think I've gotten a lot more right this year. And I'm totally buying what Audrey Hepburn said about gardening::

  "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."



Emily Carnes said...

Those flowers are so pretty--so bright! I've never been much of a gardener, but I credit that to not wanting to help mom when I was little, and then not having a hard of my own.

I do dream about making the outside of our "future" house pretty! Besides yard work, I can't wait!

Lindley @ The Grinning Labrador said...

You're so lucky to have a garden to plant! One major downfall of city-living :( the extend of our garden is our window box!

Chelsea E. said...

I LOVE that print! And your garden is fabulous. I can't wait to buy a house so I can grow a garden (and not feel like I'm wasting money on the start up).

Amanda said...

I love this!! Beautiful flowers friend :) you're an inspiration!!