Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I love mail.

 A few weeks ago, Lauren from Cardstore sent me an email asking if I'd like to review a card from them. Here's where I should mention that every once in awhile, I get emails just like that asking me to review something, and I have always said no. Because its always something like a software or diet program {are you trying to tell me something?} or other thing that I wouldn't try in my every day life. But a card? Sign me up. I send mail like its going out of style {but praise Jesus it's not! Did you hear?!} 
 Anyways, I took her up on her offer and logged on to snag my free card. Have you heard of Cardstore? Its kind of wonderful, especially for a mail lover like myself. The neat part of their service is that you can personalize your card in so many ways- with a photo, personalized note, even your own signature. I initially thought of making a photo card to send to the hubs at work as a surprise, but then absolutely fell in love with this card. And immediately thought of my grad school girls and wanted to get each of them one. Because its hilarious and describes us each so well! I slowed my roll and only ordered one, though. Self-control, people.

  So I know I mentioned that Cardstore offers tons of ways for you to personalize your cards, but I'm old school. I really prefer hand written, signed, and sealed mail. So, while you can have them mail the card for you {how convenient!}, I didn't do that. I know, I know. I'm difficult. But it was shipped to my house in two days and in person it was as adorable as I expected. I was able to handwrite a note, sign it myself, and put it in my own mailbox. {Let's not start with my obsession of putting the mailbox flag up. Its a problem, people.}
 All in all, I'm in love with this card. I want to buy a gagillion more of them. I may just do that. Sidenote: I used to buy cards by the dozen in college, just to stockpile and use when needed. This is making realize I need/want/have to do that again...

  So, know that I'm not getting paid to say this, but I like Cardstore! I really love mail {wait, have we gone over this?} and I think that snail mail is kind of a lost art. We don't send letters and cards enough {this is my sneaky way of asking you to send me some mail love}. Cardstore makes it easy and convenient to send a personalized card, with no hassle at all. Unless you're like me, and still prefer to do all the work. Then its just a place to buy cute cards. Either way, I like it. 

 Tell me I'm not crazy. Anyone else love mail as much as I do? Or am I just crazy? I'll take either :) 


Emily Carnes said...

I LOVE getting mail! I can't wait to go check out this store. :)

Chelsea E. said...

I LOVE sending mail and buying cards! I've used treat.com before, which is the same concept. I'll have to check this out though. That card you got is hilarious! I love it.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing! I LOVE snail mail! It really is a lost art. Me and my best friend decided we were going to be pen pals! I am using this card store! Thank you!

TwoFourFive said...

That card is so cute! And I agree about the snail mail being a lost art. I've never met anyone who says they don't love getting a handwritten note in the mail, so why don't we do it more often?? You should do a snail mail link up where we show all the cute cards we find...sort of like a pay-it-forward link up, maybe???

Unknown said...

Mail is my absolute favorite. Haha and that card is too cute.

Christina said...

that card is GREAT. Perfect, really! And I am at the post office most days - it would make you so happy, it's in a little old house and the staff is all of one older lady. Everything about it makes me so happy :)

Holly Osbeck said...

I love snail mail too...my mother in law thinks it's silly, but it truly is a lost art!