Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bits & pieces.

 I'm sitting on my coach right now, next to our open patio door. There's a warm breeze blowing into the living room. A warm breeze, people. Spring has arrived in Indiana! And its glorious, absolutely glorious. 
 Its hard to think about anything other than...

::  one&two maybe opening a bisty, baby etsy shop? But maybe not? 
::  three starting my garden this week with indoor seedlings!
::  four figuring out a way to convince Justin to let me buy another of my absolute favorite and completely overpriced candle
::  five easing back into running after the longest hiatus of my life
::  six looking over the calendar to see where we can squeeze in a Turkey Run day
::  seven finding every excuse possible to eat every and any meal outside
::  eight stopping by TJ's for more fresh blooms
::  nine adding bright spring touches around the house. 

  Le sigh. I love spring. Who am I kidding? I really the start of every season (I'm talking to you, endless winter). What spring-y things are you up to? Have any etsy, garden, or easing-back-into-running tips for me? Do share!

And, in case you thought I had gone all 80's...that purple clump in five isn't a throwback scrunchie at all. Nope, just my sweaty socks. Equally as classy, right? ;) 


Amanda said...

I couldn't be more excited for spring! Seriously. SO READY for beautiful, warm weather. So ready. You would be great at opening your own shop!! :) I say go for it girl! I'll buy one or two of those letters!!!! :) :)

laureneshepherd said...

Etsy shop! Yes!

TwoFourFive said...

Is that the Volcano candle from Anthro??? If it is, buying it is never a decision you will regret :)

Unknown said...

Hi girl !! I'm with you on all things spring. I started my indoor seedlings last week and they have grown like crazy. I can not believe it! I'm so excited its back to gardening time up here in Washington. I am new to blogging and would love it if you would follow me! I love your blog and can't wait to know more. I am training for a marathon! Let's encourage each other to run! Have a great day!

Shawna said...

So if you opened a baby store on etsy I would buy all sorts of things from you!

I am beyond ready to walk outside with out my winter parka.. Where are you spring time??

Unknown said...

Yay for spring! Totally open an etsy shop :)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

Awww, you are so talented, you should open an Etsy shop.

Also, I wish you would come over here and rub some of that running inspiration off on me.

House Envy said...

Hi! Just came across your blog in all the Indiana blogger comments on Thrifty Decor Chick! I'm an Indiana girl myself. I love to see all this talent and creativity around here:) I love etsy..it is my go to before I look anywhere else for home stuff and gifts! I got back into running a couple years ago and it is a huge stress reliver! I highly recommend it! Excited to follow along!

House Envy