Oh hayyy Friday! You really snuck up on my this week. That's what being busy does to you, huh? I feel like I've barely been able to catch my breath at work {but I love it!} and we've got a full weekend coming up. Every year, it seems like Spring brings busyness. And I'm pretty ok with it, you know? But I'll admit, this busy week led to not so consistent thankful journaling. I'm playing major catch up today! I've said it before and I'll say it again {because its true}, this is my favorite part of the week. Looking back and literally counting my blessing.
87. lazy saturday afternoon
88. playing hostess all weekend
89. discovering a delicious new restaurant
90. book club books!!!
91. a bright new print
92. talks with hubs as we fall asleep at night
93. Chick fil a coupons. Um, yes.
94. reminders of hope
95. a new bible study
96. laughing with coworkers
97. thin mints
98. free date night with the hubs {thanks mom!}
99. last snow of the season. Because, you know, I have the authority to claim those kinds of things.
100. spring planning. Gardening, decor change ups, I love all of it!
Mmm, so much to be thankful for. There is always something to be thankful for. And truly, I find when I am intentional about thankfulness, I feel closest to God. I am less restless. More content. And goodness knows I can use less restlessness and more contentment. What about you? What are you thankful for? And have you signed up to join the Spring fun?! Its shaping up to be pretty wonderful this year!!!

Your dog is so dang cute! And that's a shame your partners didn't put enough thought into your Carabox. I'm not participating for the next few months... financial reasons!
I love your list! Especially thin mints, chick fil a coupons and new bible studies!
I love the "bloom where you are planted" print! So much wisdom in that little phrase :)
I'm alllllways thankful for thin mints! always! xoxo
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