Friday, December 7, 2012


Last night, J and I hosted a Friendsgiving for some of his work friends. I think my favorite part of our house is being able to host people, even just simple little get togethers like this one was.

Santa even came!

Have I mentioned how much I love my table?! Friendsgiving was a great excuse to snag some lovely table wreaths from Trader Joe's and pretty napkins from World Market to pretty up the settings. Those cinnamon scented pinecones were a steal at wal-mart and made adorable placecard holders! 

Simple and easy settings!

After supper, we broke out Battle of the Sexes (one of the white elephant gifts) and learned that Justin knows just about all of the girl questions! He almost single-handedly won two games for the guys. 

Overall, friendsgiving was a success. I really love having people in our house. Its little and cozy and just right for small crowds. 
After the dishes were done and everyone had gone home, Justin and I laid and bed and talked about how strange adulthood can be sometimes. It was easy to find and maintain amazing friendships in high school and college. Post-college, really really great friends can be hard to find. {Or is it just me that thinks this?} After last night, we decided that we are even more committed to investing in people and make a point to have more nights like friendsgiving with really, really good friends. 


Stormy said...

First off: I'm not sure where my invite was but I'll forgive you. Second: I need a table just like that!

meme-and-he said...

I'm just so glad you have stockings for your dogs. :) kindred spirits, we are.

Emily grapes said...

Are you all dressed up in your jammies? I love that idea!! Looks like such a great friendsgiving and I love that name.

I think its very hard finding friends as an adult..ones that you can all hangout with and still like each other. haha Glad you found some. :)
Emily at Amazing Grapes

Unknown said...

I love your house! The table, dog stockings, place settings everything! We just had a similar gathering with friends, isn't it funny how hard it is to bring people together after we grow up?

laureneshepherd said...

You are blessed! What a gift to find sweet, deep friendships in your season of life. I know very few people more deserving. Let me know when you and Justin have talked through the Colorado visit and give me a call...missing you all the time!

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

your table is pretty fabulous, no wonder you love it :) and what a fun night w/ friends, your home looks so cozy!

Allison said...

Your house looks great! I love the woodsy look at your table! Glad you all had a good time. :)

Aleks said...

Your Friendsgiving looked fabulous! I agree its gets so much harder to maintain and even make great friendships. My Husband and I have many great friends but they are all out of state and now that we live in this new town its so hard to put yourself 'out there' when the common ground is so small. Its easy in high school or college to bond over sports, hobbies, clubs and what not, but after words.... its not so easy.

Bonnie said...

LOVE this. We're learning this lesson of relational community and hospitality too, (just bought our 1st house). P.S. I looooove your table! xoxo

Emily Carnes said...

I absolutely love everything about this post. The table is beautiful--I need to get some napkin rings!
And, I totally agree that good friends are super hard to find. I'm thankful we've got a good group--and am also thankful for your reminder that I need to hold them close!

Have a great weekend, girl!

Between You and Me said...

You're is so hard to maintain friendships when you're older...with kids and work and family....

this was a great idea that you had in hosting your friends...looks like a great group of people.

your home is beautiful, katie! love that greenery from trader joes. :)

Rachel said...

I love having the opportunity to host get-togethers too! And we've played Battle of the Sexes a few times but neither of us are good at the other sex's questions.