Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Labor of love.

I may have never mentioned it, but
J made me a pretty amazing Valentine's day present this year. 

He built me a dining room table.
and its finished and moved it into the house now.

That picture doesn't do it justice. Its huge and roomy. We're slowly {one by one!} buying nice Parsons chairs for it and one day there'll be a handmade bench.

I'm so excited for the memories we'll make here. Meals and small groups and work and late night talks. 
This table will be a part of our family forever.
Our kids will know it as a staple of our time together in our home, our friends will think of it as a place to gather.
Our pups already know it as the best spot to beg.

It means so much that J worked so hard to surprise me and build this table that will be a part of our family forever. 
Its definitely a labor of love.

{Don't forget! There are still 2 LARGE and FREE sponsor spots left. Go here for the details!}


Emily said...

So pretty ! Love it!

Gretchen said...

It looks great all finished up!

Emily grapes said...

Look at his craftiness!! I like the stain on it too. I love that you guys will have this for years to come to build all your memories around it.

ps...what are parsons chairs...I don't feel like googling. #lazy ;)

Christina said...

I LOVE THIS! He did such a beautiful job, and I love how you will have this in your family for SO long!!

laureneshepherd said...

I showed this post to Mark, all hinty-hinty in my voice, like "isn't this SO cool? wouldn't YOU love to have something so special?" and all I got was, "Yeah, I saw that she posted that this morning. That's cool."

Sigh. We won't be making our own table any time soon.

Go Justin! I'm impressed! And jealous.

Nicole Marie said...

oh my gosh it's incredible!!!!