Friday, September 16, 2011

Its the little things: take 2

but seriously, this week flew by.
and yet, was still chalk full of busyness!

Fall always puts me in a reflective and overall pensive mood, so it really is the small stuff that blesses me!

{this post is sans pictures since I'm loaning my sweet Cami to my sister for the weekend!}

Little blessings of the week: extra cuddly husky. I'm in love with that pup!
...such good, refining conversations with a friend last weekend. That short conversation has stuck with me all week!
...Malachi 3:10. 
...crab cakes with arugula for breakfast this morning and good talks with my seester.
...a new Farmer's Market scented candle. Mmmmm...smells like fall up in here! :)

what's blessed you this week?

Aisle to Aloha


Emily grapes said...

Ah, I love the little things. Glad you had such a great week. And you're so sweet to lend Cami for an entire weekend.

I'm blessed w/great conversations w/great friends. For sure!!

Emily w/Amazing Grapes

Lindsay @ Hello Hue said...

Had to go look up Malachi 3:10-- ooh, yes, we are being challenged through that verse too this month! Such a good one, I'll have to write that one down.

Also- crabcakes for breakfast?? YUM!

Thanks for linking up with me! :)

ashley @ the 29th floor said...

Snuggly puppies are the best!!

AshleaD said...

I love puppy snuggles too! Thanks for stopping by my blog - I love these Little Things link ups!

Tatiana said...

I've been allover the small things recently. I especially been loving the fall weather and all the fall smells. It puts me in such a good mood! Have a great weekend girly :-)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I am also so grateful for puppy snuggles. There is nothing better than coming home from a hard day to someone (or 3) who is unconditionally happy to see you.