Monday, April 25, 2011

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

My first giveaway is closed!

I cannot believe how many people entered for a humble little clutch made by me...
and I'm so excited to announce the winner!

I used's random number generator
and it chose

{this is where I'd post a pic of the number generator thing and winning comment, if I knew how!}


as the winner!

Congrats, Erin!
Email me {see Contact Page} by Wednesday with your mailing deets and I'll have the clutch {and perhaps a few other goodies} in the mail to you by the end of the week!

And be sure to check back tomorrow for a delicious recipe by a pretty wonderful guest poster!


Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I won something!! I really won something!! There are so many people to thank for making this possible. First, I would like to thank the Academy. Also my excellent co-stars and director for providing me with such great blogs to read. And last, but certainly not least, Katie for having this most fabulous giveaway!

I love just packages!!

Sam W. said...

congrats to the winner!! i hope you had a lovely weekend :)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

OK, that should say, "I just love packages." Not what I wrote. We'll blame it on the euphoria of winning. Yeah, that's what we'll do:)